AgroParisTech, 12 et 13 juillet 2021
It's raining R packages
Colin Gillespie  1, *@  
1 : Newcastle University
* : Corresponding author

If you have the good fortune to work in an organisation that uses R, you are probably familiar with the very sensible R dogma that everything should be a package. Your analysis should be an R package. Your Shiny app should be an R package. Your weekly R markdown should be an R package. While this is definitely the way to go, it is easy to create a package war zone. Everywhere you look, you'll find packages in various states of creation. How do you manage this chaos?

This talk will discuss practical steps in taming the R package monster. I'll discuss methods for keeping on top of your teams' packages, how to separate out dev / prod and how to ensure insecure practices don't slip in.

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